Year: 2020

  • Evolution of the Lobster user interface

    Evolution of the Lobster user interface

    The recent project goals release also includes many improvements to the user interface. Many of these improvements make it much faster and easier to update information in Lobster, while some improve or add new functionality. The biggest change is that starting from this release we aim to provide a way to edit most information directly…

  • Lobster’s Search

    Lobster’s Search

    Lobster is all about information, and the global search is the key to find the appropriate data. Lobster’s search has powerful capabilities to filter and find any object on Lobster.

  • Adding organisations to a project

    Adding organisations to a project

    Organisations are vital for lobbyists as stakeholders get their mandate to, for example, draft legislation by their position in a given organisation. Lobster has a ready-made database of organisations and organisation structures. The database and additions to it give the possibility to easily add organisations to projects. This article describes the way organisations can be…

  • Adding stakeholders to a project

    Adding stakeholders to a project

    Adding stakeholders to a project is possible from three places on Lobster. Project’s overview page Project’s stakeholder tab Stakeholder’s Projects tab From the organisation’s project tab (add all organisation’s stakeholders) This post will walk you through with each of the options, and you can click items on the above list to jump to the method…

  • Adding connections between stakeholders

    Adding connections between stakeholders

    Lobster has a feature to illustrate connections between stakeholders. This can be useful, for example, when there is a need to see if Lobster’s user is well enough connected to the key players in her field, or there is a need to illustrate to a client or a board member the connections of a politician…

  • Adding a stakeholder to organisations

    Adding a stakeholder to organisations

    After saving a new stakeholder the next view is the profile of added stakeholder. The view has all the added information and multiple tabs to facilitate different stakeholder related information from different part of Lobster. To see how to add a new stakeholder, please see this blog: Adding a stakeholder. In most cases, it is…

  • Adding a stakeholder

    Adding a stakeholder

    Adding a stakeholder is convenient as it is possible to do anywhere in the system. Every Lobster page has a blue circle with a plus sign on it on the top right corner.

  • Action and how to create one

    Action and how to create one

    Actions will become very familiar to Lobster users as they are at the core of the lobbying work. Actions are stakeholder meetings, events, campaigns and other internal or external meetings related to your lobbying projects. Adding actions to Lobster will give your team a heads up on upcoming stakeholder meetings, in case they have an…

  • TODO and how to create one

    TODO and how to create one

    TODOs help your team plan future activities by delegating tasks to different team members. Each TODO is connected to a Project, and therefore, TODOs helps to structure the progress of projects. To create a new TODO just click the circle with + button on the top right of any page and select Add new TODO…

  • Project and how to create one

    Project and how to create one

    Projects are where most of the work happens. This is where you plan, coordinate and track the progress of your lobbying campaigns. All actions such as stakeholder meetings are reported as part of a project. In Lobster, a project is always part of a larger theme. Compared to a theme, a project has a more…

  • Theme and how to create one

    Theme and how to create one

    Themes are broad, strategic lobbying goals with one or more projects connected to them. A Theme helps senior management and portfolio owners to follow the progress of lobbying projects related to larger strategic goals. A Theme brings together all the activities of the projects associated with it and can be enriched with attachments, background memos…

  • Theme-Project-TODO-Action


    The process of Theme-Project-TODO-Action is the backbone of Lobster. It gives possibility to have clear structure with ways and means to facilitate different operating models.

  • Improved timeline

    Improved timeline

    We just updated the timeline shown on many Lobster objects. The new version makes it much easier to have a quick overview of all lobbying activities for your organisation. Relevant events, actions and TODOs are shown on a timeline. In order for a TODO to be shown it needs to have a set deadline, then…

  • Master data: Organisations

    Master data: Organisations

    Organisations are another key part of Master data alongside stakeholders. From organisations’ profiles Lobster users can find, among others, stakeholders, organisation charts and contact information.

  • Master data: Organisaatiot

    Master data: Organisaatiot

    Organisaatiot ovat vaikuttajien rinnalla toinen keskeinen osa Master dataa. Organisaatioista voi nähdä mm. niissä työskentelevät vaikuttajat, organisaatiokaavion ja yhteystiedot.