Author: Lobster

  • The Transparency Register is Coming – Is Your Organisation Ready?

    The Transparency Register is Coming – Is Your Organisation Ready?

    Starting from 2024, Finland will be the first Nordic country to establish a statutory transparency register. The law applies to organisations and persons professionally engaged in lobbying and its advice. It applies to national-level lobbying, meaning the parliament and the ministries. Transparency register was part of the Government Programme of Prime Minister Sanna Marin. The…

  • Introducing Pinning to Timelines

    Introducing Pinning to Timelines

    How are your team’s lobbying actions related to what goes on in the world around you? And how are the stakeholders reacting to your lobbying efforts? Lobster now allows pinning news, tweets, and links to other online resources on project timelines to build a full picture of what is going on. Pinning is easy and…

  • Bring Your Political Monitoring into the Digital Era

    Bring Your Political Monitoring into the Digital Era

    Political information is scattered to thousands of different sources and documents. Twitter discussions, political newsfeeds, stakeholder activity, legislative projects, votes, and parliamentary questions… Manually tracking all the relevant information can eat up your working hours. Lobster provides a powerful window to political information We monitor automatically the activity of the political stakeholders and organisations in…

  • Update Comments for Better Team Communication

    Update Comments for Better Team Communication

    A Central part of Lobster’s user interface is the Update Comment. Update comments will help your team members communicate the progress being made.  The comments you write will be visible to your team members in the notifications menu, notification emails, and in the weekly email digest. How do Update Comments work? Every time you edit…

  • 10 Benefits of using Lobster

    10 Benefits of using Lobster

    Now that your organisation has started using Lobster, what are the ways this new tool can make your work easier? We listed a few: 1 Easy access to up-to-date political stakeholder data will save your precious timeThe core of Lobster is the stakeholder data, which is kept meticulously up-to-date. With the key information in one…

  • What is the GDPR footprint of your advocacy work?

    What is the GDPR footprint of your advocacy work?

    Any organisation that does effective advocacy work tends to accumulate stakeholder data of politicians and officials over time.  This information is often related to documenting past meetings or  to the planning of future advocacy work. How should this information be managed to stay in GDPR compliance? Storing stakeholder data, whether on paper or in digital…

  • The Danger of the Forgotten Stakeholder List

    The Danger of the Forgotten Stakeholder List

    In a recent case, France’s personal data protection agency CNIL fined US firm Monsanto 400,000 euros for a GDPR violation. The company had compiled personal data files of politicians, journalists, activists, and scientists seen as being influential in the debate over glyphosate use in Europe. While compiling stakeholder lists is not in itself illegal, it…

  • Successful Lobbying Teams Plan, Measure and Learn

    Successful Lobbying Teams Plan, Measure and Learn

    Lobbying is often seen as art rather than science, as an intuitive process based on ad hoc improvising and mobilizing informal political connections. Reality is far different, at least if we ask Iskander De Bruycker, Assistant Professor in EU Politics and Policy at Maastricht, and Aaron McLoughlin, who is a Senior Advisor at FleishmanHillard. In…

  • Lobster’s Stakeholder Profiles – All the relevant up-to-date information in one package

    Lobster’s Stakeholder Profiles – All the relevant up-to-date information in one package

    The core of Lobster is the up-to-date Stakeholder Data, which currently consists of over 5000 Finnish and over 6000 EU stakeholders, politicians and officials, and their organisations. Although we are currently focusing on Finland and the EU, we are currently expanding to cover Sweden and Norway and offer limited data packages on both countries. Our stakeholder…

  • Lobster’s Twitter integration: Never miss an opportunity for conversation

    Lobster’s Twitter integration: Never miss an opportunity for conversation

    Recently we integrated Twitter to Lobster as it is an important platform for political conversation. With the help of Lobster, it is now easier to keep an eye on both stakeholders and topics that are relevant to your work. Lobster tracks the tweets of the 6000+ political stakeholders in our master data as well as…

  • Lobster reports: The Big Picture of Your Organisations Stakeholder Activities

    Lobster reports: The Big Picture of Your Organisations Stakeholder Activities

    One of the key advantages of Lobster is that you can see everything that is going on in your organisation, at a glance. Whether you are writing an annual report or planning future activities, you need to see the big picture. Which organisations and stakeholders has your team met recently? Who were they not able…

  • Calendar Exports Now Available at Lobster

    Calendar Exports Now Available at Lobster

    At Lobster we try to listen carefully to our customers to find out what makes their work easier. Today we are happy to present a feature that many of you have been asking for: the calendar export.  We know it sounds like a small thing, but when you are actively planning many future meetings, it…

  • Action and how to create one

    Action and how to create one

    Actions will become very familiar to Lobster users as they are at the core of the lobbying work. Actions are stakeholder meetings, events, campaigns and other internal or external meetings related to your lobbying projects. Adding actions to Lobster will give your team a heads up on upcoming stakeholder meetings, in case they have an…

  • TODO and how to create one

    TODO and how to create one

    TODOs help your team plan future activities by delegating tasks to different team members. Each TODO is connected to a Project, and therefore, TODOs helps to structure the progress of projects. To create a new TODO just click the circle with + button on the top right of any page and select Add new TODO…

  • Project and how to create one

    Project and how to create one

    Projects are where most of the work happens. This is where you plan, coordinate and track the progress of your lobbying campaigns. All actions such as stakeholder meetings are reported as part of a project. In Lobster, a project is always part of a larger theme. Compared to a theme, a project has a more…

  • Theme and how to create one

    Theme and how to create one

    Themes are broad, strategic lobbying goals with one or more projects connected to them. A Theme helps senior management and portfolio owners to follow the progress of lobbying projects related to larger strategic goals. A Theme brings together all the activities of the projects associated with it and can be enriched with attachments, background memos…

  • Tagien käyttö Lobsterissa

    Tagien käyttö Lobsterissa

    Lobster tarjoaa mahdollisuuden kategorisoida ja ryhmitellä tietoa käyttämällä tageja. Tageja voi lisätä lähes mihin tahansa sisältöön ja potentiaalisia käyttötapoja on runsaasti. Esimerkkinä tagillä sote voisi merkitä kaikki aihepiirin keskeiset vaikuttajat, organisaatiot, tapahtumat ja projektit. Tai tagillä Uusimaa kaikki Uudenmaan vaalipiirin vaikuttajat. Tagit näkyvät aina koko organisaatiolle ja ne onkin suunniteltu ryhmätyön helpottamiseen. Henkilökohtaiset jatkuvasti käyttämäsi…

  • Uutta: Uusi käyttöliittymä, muutoksia tapahtumiin ja lisää dataa

    Uutta: Uusi käyttöliittymä, muutoksia tapahtumiin ja lisää dataa

    Parin viikon puristuksen päätteeksi saimme uuden käyttöliittymämme ensimmäisen version vihdoin julkaisukuntoon. Suunnittelimme kaikki keskeiset näkymät uusiksi käytöstä saatujen oppien pohjalta. Työkalun rakenne on edelleen sama ja pyrimme nyt paremmin nostamaan esille käyttäjille tärkeimmät asiat. Lisäksi pienillä ruuduilla sisällöt toimivat entistä paremmin. Tapahtumat saivat ylennyksen master dataan. Ryhdymme tarjoamaan jatkossa vaikuttamisen kannalta oleelliset valtakunnalliset tapahtumat osana…