Category: Process

  • Successful Lobbying Teams Plan, Measure and Learn

    Successful Lobbying Teams Plan, Measure and Learn

    Lobbying is often seen as art rather than science, as an intuitive process based on ad hoc improvising and mobilizing informal political connections. Reality is far different, at least if we ask Iskander De Bruycker, Assistant Professor in EU Politics and Policy at Maastricht, and Aaron McLoughlin, who is a Senior Advisor at FleishmanHillard. In…

  • Calendar Exports Now Available at Lobster

    Calendar Exports Now Available at Lobster

    At Lobster we try to listen carefully to our customers to find out what makes their work easier. Today we are happy to present a feature that many of you have been asking for: the calendar export.  We know it sounds like a small thing, but when you are actively planning many future meetings, it…

  • Action and how to create one

    Action and how to create one

    Actions will become very familiar to Lobster users as they are at the core of the lobbying work. Actions are stakeholder meetings, events, campaigns and other internal or external meetings related to your lobbying projects. Adding actions to Lobster will give your team a heads up on upcoming stakeholder meetings, in case they have an…

  • TODO and how to create one

    TODO and how to create one

    TODOs help your team plan future activities by delegating tasks to different team members. Each TODO is connected to a Project, and therefore, TODOs helps to structure the progress of projects. To create a new TODO just click the circle with + button on the top right of any page and select Add new TODO…

  • Project and how to create one

    Project and how to create one

    Projects are where most of the work happens. This is where you plan, coordinate and track the progress of your lobbying campaigns. All actions such as stakeholder meetings are reported as part of a project. In Lobster, a project is always part of a larger theme. Compared to a theme, a project has a more…

  • Theme and how to create one

    Theme and how to create one

    Themes are broad, strategic lobbying goals with one or more projects connected to them. A Theme helps senior management and portfolio owners to follow the progress of lobbying projects related to larger strategic goals. A Theme brings together all the activities of the projects associated with it and can be enriched with attachments, background memos…

  • Theme-Project-TODO-Action


    The process of Theme-Project-TODO-Action is the backbone of Lobster. It gives possibility to have clear structure with ways and means to facilitate different operating models.